Posts in Speech Anxiety
“What’s wrong with me?!” How ‘medicalizing’ your public speaking anxiety fuels your fear before you speak

“What’s wrong with me?!” How ‘medicalizing’ public speaking anxiety fuels your fear

Using terms like public speaking anxiety to describe the experience can create a negative relationship with speaking itself. When we talk about the ‘symptoms’ associated with our fear (like shaky hands or a racing heart) we end up associating the fear with something truly dangerous.

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"How do I keep my voice from shaking?” Why your voice shakes when speaking in public, and what you can do about it

"How do I keep my voice from shaking?” Why your voice shakes when speaking in public, and what you can do about it

People with public speaking anxiety often feel like the fear is something they have to conceal. They often ask if there are and tricks to keep your voice from shaking. Fortunately, research has given us plenty of solutions and tools to stop a shaky voice - as well as the ways to understand why it happens in the first place.

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Speaking, stigma, and shame: Public speaking anxiety is something organizations shouldn't ignore

Speaking, stigma, and shame: Public speaking anxiety is something organizations shouldn't ignore

One of the questions I ask all new clients struggling with public speaking anxiety is, “do you feel like you need to conceal this problem?” The answer is almost always yes. People usually talk about the judgment they anticipate having to face—the kind that can result in pity, discomfort, negative evaluations and even demotions.

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